Video personalization

We know that every brand is unique and has a story to tell. That's why at Myme we offer you the possibility to create personalized videos that reflect the essence of your brand.

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Video personalization

Real actors who generate emotional connection with your customers

Bring your brand to life and make your customers feel special with real actors addressing them by name in each personalized video. Forget about AI-generated avatars that come off cold and robotic.

  • Choose the actor that best suits your brand's style.

  • Select from the available languages.

  • Choose from hundreds of messages available for each actor.

Real actors who generate emotional connection with your customers

Dynamic text content for unique videos

Create an emotional connection with your customers by sending them a unique video through dynamic content. Simply select the text you want to substitute with your customers' information and you're good to go. It couldn't be easier!

  • Add a personalized deal or discount.

  • Add relevant information such as appointment information or order status.

  • Show any information you have about your customers dynamically.

Dynamic text content for unique videos

Thousands of messages available

Turn every video into a unique experience for your customers by selecting the perfect script from thousands of available messages. Find the ideal style for your brand and customize the message with your own images, videos, and music.

  • Promotional communications such as discounts, invitations, new products, deals...

  • Messages to connect with your audience as welcomes, thank yous...

  • Reminders such as medical appointments, course dates, and one-time events...

Thousands of messages available

Give your videos a personality of their own

Take customization to the next level with our exclusive brand section, where you can customize every detail of the video to help you strengthen your brand identity.

  • Use your logo.

  • Add your color palette.

  • Upload your own images and videos.

  • Select from over 1000 available fonts.

Give your videos a personality of their own

Chedraui was able to make its customers feel special on Valentine's Day

View success story

Discover more options to make your videos unique.

Over 5 million free images and videos

Access a library of free and royalty-free images and videos.

Over 1000 free available fonts

Find the perfect font in a wide catalog.

Library to store all your resources

Store all your images and videos to create videos faster and easier than ever.


Connect with your customers in an innovative way

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